Running nf-core pipelines

Software requirements for nf-core pipelines

In order to run nf-core pipelines, you need to have Nextflow installed ( The only other requirement is a software packaging tool: Conda, Docker or Singularity. On Genotoul, we use Singularity.

Usage instructions and documentation

Each pipeline has its own webpage at image See online documentation for rnaseq pipeline

In addition to this documentation, each pipeline comes with basic command line reference. This can be seen by running the pipeline with the --help flag, for example:

$ nextflow run nf-core/rnaseq --help

General informations

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Genomes with nf-core:

  • We do not provide igenome
  • You can use genome from /bank in genologin
  • As we are not sure about software used to generate indexes we recommand to
    • Run one time workflow with --fasta and --gtf (or more if required) and --save_reference
    • Indexes will be available in results/genome
    • Create a genome.config file and use it while rerun analysis with --genome GenomeName. More info in genome

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