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TP 2.1: Files and directories

Goal: Move inside tree structure.

The purpose of this practice is to put you in situation: You have launched calculations (in work space) and must organize and store results inside your personal backup space (save). Fasta files will be stored into data directory from save space. Following the same logic, blast files will be stored into blast directory in save space.


Current state of your directories:

  • /home/<username> : configuration files
  • /save/user/<username> : backup space, empty
  • /work/user/<username> : working space, files resulting from analysis


Before starting this practice, please type the following command:

cp -r /home/formation/save/tp_unix/data/* ~/work

Create a project directory


In you save space, create a folder called tp_unix, go in this folder.

cd /save/user/<username>
mkdir tp_unix
cd tp_unix

You must replace <username> by your username

Structure the projet


Create the sub-directories data, blast_result.

mkdir data
mkdir blast_result

or in one line

mkdir data blast_result

Visualize the content of your working directory


List all the files inside the work directory.


Many possibilities (not exaustive):

  • by going inside the directory

    cd work

  • by using relative path

    ls ../../work/user/<username>

  • by using the absolute path

    ls /work/user/<username>

  • by passing by the home directory shortcut.

    ls /home/<username>/work

  • the same, but using the shortcut ~ that go to the home directory.

    ls ~/work

Organize data


  1. Move the files *.fasta inside directory tp_unix/data; check that none exists in work directory.
  2. Copy blast result files (*.blast) inside directory tp_unix/blast_result.

For 1:

cd /home/<username>/work
mv *.fasta ~/save/tp_unix/data

For 2:

cp *.blast ~/save/tp_unix/blast_result


In order to avoid multiple copies of a file, a good practice is to use symbolic link (shortcut) pointing on this file.

Go in the directory ~/work and créate a symbolic link that points to the file ~/save/tp_unix/data/ab005233.fasta.

List in detailled manner the files inside your space work.


One solution

cd ~/work
ln -s ~/save/tp_unix/data/ab005233.fasta
ls -l

or an equivalent solution

ln -s ~/save/tp_unix/data/ab005233.fasta ~/work
cd ~/work
ls -l